Saturday, March 26, 2005


Shortness is a disease I have been crippled with since the first years of puberty when everyone could reach the top of the class blackboard except me. Such is the cruelty of the human gene. Miserable as it is being unable to reach the upper cupboard without help from the handy footstool, I find myself unable to imagine existing as a taller person. Too much looking up at other people talking has engrained in every fiber of my short being the finality of my situation. I shall never be tall. It has been pounded into my subconscious by countless comparisons to 70's Filipino "little people" action stars (to be P.C. about it). But it's aight. I take comfort that everybody, even the tallest amongst us, still have to look up to see the stars. whereas I, on the other hand, was compared to one. NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Initially, my thoughts were on the indiscriminate way someone such as I used the bathroom. It was this indiscrimination that led me to believe that waterbugs WERE trying to escape from the plumbing. It has gotten so that taking a bath is a terrifying, horrific and totally unhappy undertaking. But, inevitably, I shall still have to take a bath everyday. If I did not, what would the neighbors think?

Monday, March 07, 2005

A bigger title

is what everyone would want, I think. Self-deprication aside, I have yet to earn my big title. Right now, my title is discontent single financially-unstable loser. What I want to be is

the financially-unfettered glowing god of coolness. Unfortunately, I am posessed of too much apathy to actually do something about it.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

I am being tutored

I am just recently learning to do cool stuff like this
and this
and this
and this
put them all together and it's supercaliflageristic!