Thursday, November 27, 2008


A hint. Just a hint. That's all I ever needed. Just a hint. A little gesture that would signify a little interest in me. Am I so uninteresting as that I do not merit a permanence in your heart? Am I that small and insignificant? Am I nothing to you? Am I?

Friday, November 21, 2008


Junior decided he would never be able to come up with a line perfect enough for what he was feeling now. So he stayed in the shadows and pined from afar.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Drunken Blogging #ehh?

"Dust! It is dust!" said Mr. Wanwilly as he observed the minute particles that was his life. Vulnerable to the gusts of wind that blow to and fro ever so gently yet cruelly as fate, as fickle as it was, was undecided upon whether to give or take the happiness from him. Only after a few months of enduring this did Mr. Wanwilly see that it would forever be like this. He was 14.Yet he was as optimistic as ever when he tried again and again at age 17 and 18 and 25 and 32... He was that kind of guy. He chose hope. Little did he know what little it would do him. He was just as fucked as the rest of us.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Listen all yea who care to hear!" cried Evan. "I am within myself a united front against you. Alone yet infinite, I am numerous!" He was quite surprised when the crowd, in indignation, struck him with murderous intent. "He could never be better than the mass," they thought. As Evan received each and every blow he thought, "Yep, a nail who sticks out gets hammered. Ti's a good thing I like attention."

Monday, November 10, 2008

One last time.

"No more" is something Avery would be able to say if he truly meant it. "I'm ok" would be something he'd be able to think if he truly believed in it. "It's done" is something he would be able to feel if he had no hope left. And when he could say all those things, the only thing left to say to Bonnie would be "goodbye."

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Just is.

Will it be any easier for you if I just stopped? It would not be easier for me, I tell you now. I am a rundown amalgamation of unexpressed alliterations. I feel, want, need and know what it exactly is that I want to tell you, though always I hide in the guise of non-concern. I say what you want me to say. I say what I think you need me to say. And in that way, I, truly, say nothing. That exact nothing is eating away slowly at the core from which it sprang. A paradox it may be, but it is, nonetheless. To claim defeat would be the wiser path. Such that I would not waste time and effort in the pursuit of you. Expectations non-existent, it would be just at as it is. But I do not want the nothingness. I fear the existence that did not include you.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Keeping on

Huff and puff did the little wolf go. How he was hoping for a success that was worthy of folklore. Yet huff and puff did he as much as he could, his actions would neither sway nor move that which was decided.But even if he failed to achieve that which he sought, he just kept huffing and puffing. Just huffing and puffing.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

yet again, and watching

Roberto said " I am." To which Selma replied "yes you are!" Very envious am I.
I have never had that kind of afffirmation. Ever. Yay you fuckers.

bonus na lang to

Derek wondered why. It was not just any why but a why that encompassed all the why's anyone has ever asked. "No one can answer that except me." said the Almighty, And, with a smile, the Almighty said "why indeed?"
You omnipotent prick! None o' my shit ever getttin to you biatch. An if ever, dey don meen notin.