Wednesday, December 29, 2004

suddenly, it dawns on me...

Suddenly, it dawns on me that I not at all an interesting person. Damn. Hahaha! Take THAT ego! Take THAT stupid sense of importance! Take THAT self-confidence! Haha!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

ahhh... the post-christmas depression

Christmas is over and all the gift-giving, partying and merry-making is done. So now, what? What am I to do? What with all my funds decimated by the horrendous partying & gift-giving, I barely have enough cash to last me through the next few weeks. I AM SPENT. What the hell am I going to do now? "Get a JOB!" some people would say. I HAVE a job. But apparently, said job could not fund my altogether expensive lifestyle. "Learn to budget!" some people would say. I must confess this is an area with which I am sorely unfamiliar. But I DO know how to save, a little. Unfortunatley, the whole IDEA of this season is to spend as much as you can on everything you can for as many people as you can. Damn. So there it goes. No, wait... there it WENT, away and out. But I did have a fine Christmas spent with the ass who is no longer an ass and has become family again and our other housemate who happens to be his girlfriend and two friend who happen to be a couple. Yes, that is the sad story. I was happy; for them, for the people, for the food, the drinks, etc... But ultimately, I was alone. And that makes me sad. Now more than ever. Alone on Christmas without any money. How the fuck am I going to live through New Year?

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Oh well....

I may have reacted a wee bit too harshly to the asshole thing but hey, galitin mo na ang lasing wag lang ang bagong gising, right?

Christmas is upon us once again & once again money is diwindling. (Mental note: must get more money. But how? hmmm... Get up off your ass and finish your reel stoopit!) Anyway, gosh I sure do hope this Christmas is gon' be a good 'un uh-hyuh. Maybe I should spend it alone & see what that's like. Probably drink myself silly. Sing myself Christmas songs & wallow in my sad existence that has become the comfortable & the routine. I am as aimless as a fish in a bucket. Sad sad sad sad sad. Oh well....

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

what is it about assholes?

distinction. distinction between the real & imaginary, the funny & the stupid, the true & the sarcastic, etc. ect. ect. that is the problem with most people. they cannot DISTINGUISH. Wether they have their own problems to deal with is fine but DISTINGUISH! SEE PAST what your stupid egotistical and ultimately singular view of the world & look outside the fuckin' box. Look at the damn BIG PICTURE. otherwise you end up being an asshole. some people may think being an ass is fine, but no. Being an ass entails that you are tolerated but not accepted, settled for but would rather be avoided, given the slightest bit of attention to but in all actuality, dismissed at the most convenient moment. DON'T BE AN ASS. In order not to BE an ASS, you must not make jokes, hints, signs, cajole and insult inappropriately. You also must learn to take jokes, hints, signs, a little cajoling, a certain amount of insult and take it in stride. DISTINGUISH wether or not to react to these things without looking like a total asshole. Of course, this is a reactionary peice and by now you may have discerned that I have just dealt WITH an asshole. this is an outlet to which I shall channel my anger so as not to be called an ass myself & punch aforementioned asshole in his damn ass of ass face. I am quite sure he won't remain an ass for long seein' as that we are housemates and cannot avoid each othe indefinitely & I will eventually regard him as family once again but for now; Fuck you you son of son of a bitch ass of an asshole! I was sleeping soundly when you woke me to give me shit you fucker of a mother fucker!