Monday, April 04, 2005

yesterday was great

Yesterday was, in comparison to today, great. Yesterday WAS. There's your problem right there. It was YESTERDAY. Today may turn out to be good, or not, depending on which side of the fence the cows will be grazing, but today will become yesteday tomorrow. So the soon-to-be-yesterday today will not be as great as yesterday, depending on which side of the fence the cows will be grazing. But there is nothing I can do about yesterday is there? The little tick-tock of the all-powerful clock has made sure that every great second of the great yesterday has passed into memory. Memories can be forgotten. How many great yesterdays have there been? I don't know for sure. I don't even know if the "greatness" of yesterday would be worth remembering after today, depending on which side of the fence the cows will be grazing. It poses a question of whether I should pass back into the great yesterday & stay, or if I'd want to see where the cows will be grazing today. What if the cows grazed on the wrong side? That would be extremely unlucky. But if I did go back to yesterday & stayed there, then I shouldn't have taken the trouble to bathe today. I bathed yesterday anyway. Why would I rest my fate in the cruel hooves of uncaring grass-munching cows? I could take certain steps to make today great, but herding cruel cows takes too much work. Maybe I'll just sit on the fence & face wherever the cows go. The fence, after all, is immortal & neutral. It's the cows that are the problem. HAH! I have it! I'll just break down the fence from where the cows should be grazing! That would leave only ONE side & it would ALWAYS be the right side! I am brilliant! Then EVERYDAY would be great! But wait... then there would be no point in actually remembering greatness of days & cruelty of cows. Then there would be no use for the clock, nor for bathing. It would just be one long great today that I would never have the chance of remembering as dumb or great. A perpetual existence of expected bliss that never has time to be remembered. If I wanted that, I would have broken the fence down long ago. If I do that now, I'm just going to remember the great day I broke the great fence down in great way so the cruel cows would trouble me no more. THIS DAY would be the only great yesterday I would have. I think I'll just watch the cows graze for now. They're grazing in the right side anyway... for now at least. Tomorrow... well tomorrow is tomorrow.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


I am as similar to you as the sun is to a star, inwhich there is no difference at all. I see you with eyes which, if looked at closely, reflect your own. Come, look closely, and come see how beautiful your eyes are in mine. Yet do not look too long, though. Because while you're looking at yourself in my eyes, I am looking at myself through yours, and I am still afraid of what I would see... in your eyes... I am afraid that our similarity would end with only our eyes.