Thursday, June 26, 2008

Such (drunken blogging 03)

Levels upon level of dignity just dismissed as an expat dismisses you as just another invading wannabe. Not counting the number of times i myself have been seen as such, I wonder at why each of us see each other as lower than the other.I myself am guilty of appraising my fellow man as either worhty of my respect... or not. But, there is always the "but." Yes. But. You never know how great a person is until you see what makes him ask about others and what makes other people great. You see that the person is not interested in individual greatness but a greatness of a whole new sort. The greatness defined by the simplicity of being. Confidence it may be, but greatnes it is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

May WEBSITE na kami!

sa wakas!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Alas (drunkem blogging 2)

Alas, we are all sembalances of our youth. That we should clearly see. The enegetic optimism that we as children have so readily is replaced by the daily anachronisms we call our maturity. Gone is the time where even the smallest of spiders threatened the very existence of our friendships. Gone is the time when just a brilliant touch/save to an adjacent post was equivalent to legend among our peers.Gone is the time when to lose your marbles meant not insanity but loss on a grand childish scale. And gone is the time when every single person you know mattered.

Now, you meet people... You say Hi I'm this guy. I do this... They respond... Hey. I'm this guy. I do this...

So are you into this? Yeah I'm into that, a bit. Are you into this? Yeah, a bit.

The reseravations. Yes the reservations. Aysus.

I hope I'm like this only because everybody is like this.

If I'm the only one, I may have to get even more severe than I already am. Haha!