Monday, March 30, 2009
Is your step no longer as springy? Is the food no longer as spicy? Are your waking moments no longer as worth looking forward to? I guess it's because i failed you. I provided you with all that but yet somehow, i fell short. I'm sorry. And by the way, fuck you.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
in the efficiency of individualism, it may be a wonder that the lack of existential know how is absent. It may be that i am the absolute you that you ever wanted to be. it's just that i don't live my life quite the way you pictured your life as. that's actually your problem then... or is it mine... the me that i am you is... you? or is it it's not you it's me?
Friday, March 27, 2009
With you being you, that makes me being me a problem. I live only to fulfill you, But you are irrevocably hasty. You do not see the me that I put into being the me for you. This wouldn't actually be a problem if I didn't think you were important.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
why was Gilbert forever in wariness? The space betweem his eybrows was regerded forever in cheap commentary and wild discussion. the wrongness thou'art perceive is but s reckoning of ideas. I am just like you are.And if you start to see the me i refer to, it is too late for you,
Monday, March 23, 2009
just drunken bloggins...
Benny got the best of it. He was forever the person who got the most stars. He laughed at everyone, reveling in the ease of his popularity. He was envied by his peers so much that he never knew what aspect of him was there to be envious about. When he found out, self-conciousness came into effect. That was when he started destroying himself.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
drunken bloggins 014
a little too late, was Ezekiel. For someone who had way too many "E"s in his name, he was never early.
Monday, March 16, 2009
drunken bloggins 013
A fine time it was to be uppity. Baxter thought so. Theo thought so as well. "I say 'nay!'" said Baxter. "I say 'nay!' to your nay!" said Theo. "So you're FOR the legalization of clandestine cartwheeling couples?" asked Baxter. "No," said Theo. "I was just being uppity."
Saturday, March 14, 2009
drunken bloggins 012
Desmond was forever the pinnacle of sovereignty. He was his man, he was. This was before he met himself, though. After which he was jsut another slave to himself. Ahhh Desmond. You would have been great. You just shouldn't have listened to what you was telling you.
Friday, March 13, 2009
drunken bloggins 011 i think...
enough of your frivolity. I care no longer for your aspirations. Finally, your domination is but an option in the many things I consider. I just don't know what to do now that Idon't have to follow you anymore...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
drunken bloggins 010...
Matthew remebered himself just in time. He always did. We are all envious of Matthew. He never went overboard...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
drunken bloggins 009 hopefully(not really)
Nestor never did negotiate his negligence, it was foreverer a summary of cringing in himself. They question what was why And they had to see him as arbitrarry when he was the most viable.The answer was there was.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
drunken bloggins 009
Astounding Alex entered the tent with thoughts of immesurable self-importance. He was, after all, astounding. He made himself believe what everybody said was the truth. If there were a consensus on how astounding Alex was, it would have been to his favor. But, it being a strict consensus and as how consensi go, the truth was not. Alex was just a little bit insecure, you see. And so, he entered the tent with just a little bit of self-doubt. That made the difference.
Friday, March 06, 2009
drunken bloggins 008
Originally, Kendrick was predisposed towards anachronism. Then he discovered that criticism and complete lack of affection heralded accomodation in droves. The phrase " that shit is wack" figured frequently in every conversation he had since then.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
drunken bloggins 007
The problem with subtle diversion is that once you get someone in on it, it is no longer. Like when i say your life is gonna be better and that all that you dream will come to pass, you do not notice the fact that I am the subtle diversion telling you such things. I am here to reassure you and not speak the truth. I'm letting you in on it. Only if you think that life was being too subtle.